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Welcome to Plone

Congratulations! You have successfully installed Plone.

If you're seeing this instead of the web site you were expecting, the owner of this web site has just installed Plone. Do not contact the Plone Team or the Plone mailing lists about this.

Get started

Before you start exploring your newly created Plone site, please do the following:

  1. Make sure you are logged in as an admin/manager user. (You should have a Site Setup entry in the menu in the top right corner)
  2. Set up your mail server. (Plone needs a valid SMTP server to verify users and send out password reminders)
  3. Decide what security level you want on your site. (Allow self registration, password policies, etc)

Get comfortable

After that, we suggest you do one or more of the following:

Make it your own

Plone has a lot of different settings that can be used to make it do what you want it to. Some examples:

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